First set up your accounts, go to Accounts Bank and set up the following accounts
Bank Credit Card Safe Till 1 Till 2 (if neccessary)
type Bank Type Credit Card Type Cash Type Till Type Till
Overall purpose:
To accurately record the sales and vat, and to balance the cash in the till, safe and credit card accounts.
General Procedure
1. Recording Sales/Takings these will generally be entered from a Z-read print from the till
a) Recording the Zreads
Click Sales, Retailer, Enter Takings
IF the correct till is not showing click change till and select the correct till
Click Enter Takings
Enter a separate line for each Vat Rate and type of sale
Example Food, Wine, Drink,
b) Sales paid by credit card
Note: all sales entered in step 1 will be assumed to be taken by cash into the till.
To account for the fact that some of these are credit card sales, do the following:
Click Sales Retailer, pay into bank
Select the credit card account. Record the amount of sales entered that were paid by credit card
c) Cash Back transactions
Click Sales Retailer, pay into bank
Select the credit card account. Record the amount of cashback paid out.
2. Accounting for money removed from the till
d) Payouts from the till
Sales, Retailer, Supplier Payments and Other Payments
We now need to account for any cash removed from the till, If supplier invoices have been paid from the till, click supplier payments and allocate it here. .
IF there have been other payouts, click other payments and record them here.
e) Cash to safe or bank
Sales, Retailer, Pay into Bank
If cash has been removed from the till for lodging to the bank or dropping to the safe, click Pay into bank. Select the bank or safe account as appropriate.
3) Cashup
Now we should be at the stage where what is left in the till equals the float.
Click Sales, Retailer, Cashup. enter the date of the cashup.
Count your float. Does it match the balance figure?
If it doesn't, check that you have recorded your takings, payouts, bank lodgments, credit card transactions, and any extra additions to the till.
If there is still a difference, just record the amount of cash you counted. The difference will be on record so you can investigate. If you find the problem, come back and make the appropriate adjustment.
You can always view previous cashups by going to Sales, Retailer, Reports, Cashup Lists
4) Balancing the Credit Card Account
When your bank statement comes, it will show the amounts received from the credit card companies.
Record these as an Account Transfer FROM the Credit Card account TO the bank account.
The balance in your credit card account will always show the amounts charged at the till but still not received into the bank from the CC companies.
5) Balancing the Safe Account
When you take the money from the safe and deposit into the bank:
Record these as an Account transfer FROM the Safe account TO the bank account.
The balance in your Safe account should always reflect the amount currently in the safe.
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