Web Browsers & General Topics
In this section you will find various documents giving you step-by-step instructions on troubleshooting various tasks for different Web Browswers and other General Topics. If there is anything missing that you would like to see, just let us know and we can create it.
- Security and Confidentiality of SortMyBooks Data
- Problems Logging into SMBO
- How to Send Attachments in SortMyBooks
- Auto-Enrolment
- Saving PDF in Chrome logs me out
- Covid 19 Resources - Webinar Playbacks, Guides and Documents
- Archiving SortMyBooks Data
- Exporting to Excel or using the Save As Excel Function
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- How to enter employee's expenses for mileage and subsistence
- Corporation Tax
- How do I change my screen size?
- SortMyBooks Compared to other online accounting software
- What is the difference between mark-up and margin
- Create a desktop shortcut from Chrome
- Problems with Chrome and PDFs
- How to raise a Support Ticket from within Zendesk
- How to submit a Support Ticket from within SortMyBooks Online
- Google Chrome Print Preview problem
- Removing headers & footers when printing