In this section you will find various documents giving you step-by-step instructions on performing various tasks on the VAT side of SortMyBooksOnline. If there is anything missing that you would like to see, just let us know and we can create it.
- RTD ARTD - How to complete the ARTD report on ROS using the SortMyBooks ARTD Report
- SortMyBooks VAT Guide for Irish Businesses
- VAT 3 Return Checklist
- Irish Vat Rates to Charge - Revenue List
- VAT Matrix - Detailed VAT Rules for the VAT3 Report for post Brexit
- How to Create Missing VAT Periods
- Am I Cash Receipts or Invoice Basis for VAT?
- VAT Moss - Mini One Stop Shop, Sales to Europe
- How to do a VAT 3 return
- VAT on Sales outside of your own country
- How do I record a VAT payment?
- How do I record a VAT Refund or Payroll Tax Refund?
- Revenue information on Irish VAT return for Intra EU trading
- How do I account for VAT on Deposits?
- Ireland - Vat Rate in SortMyBooks Drop Downs
- How to correct a Payroll Tax or Vat problem