The links to the shared documents are at the bottom of the article.
Q. How Do I share my company file with my Accountant/ Bookkeeper/ Staff?
A. The userid must show type OWNER to share the file.
Go to Home, Settings, Sharing,
Click on Share With to share with an existing SortMyBooks user, click on new account to add a new user.
You can set Permissions for the user by ticking or unticking the items listed.
Then click Share on the bottom left.
To delete a user, click on the user, scroll down, and click delete this entry.
Very useful feature :-) Ron
Might be worth having a "Purchases/Creditors Only" or "Sales/Debtors Only" setting button to simplify set-up of an Employee/Outsourced Book-keeper.
To use the quotes, it is crucial that the user has access to the customer and product details, without access to too much company information, especially the dashboard screen
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